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Point3 Investments Pty Ltd (‘Point3’) is an authorised representative of Shaw and Partners Limited (‘Shaw’) (AFSL 236 048).

The information published on this website, or in this report (‘Information’) is authored by Point3 independently of Shaw and Partners Limited (‘Shaw’). The Information represents the views of Point3 and those views may be contrary to views expressed by Shaw, Shaw Research and Shaw advisers. The Information is not a recommendation to invest in any investments, stocks or financial products.

The Information contains general, as opposed to personal, advice. This means the Information has been prepared for multiple distribution without consideration of your investment objectives, financial situation and needs (‘Personal Circumstances’). Accordingly, any advice given is not a recommendation that a particular course of action is suitable for you and the advice is therefore not to be acted on as investment advice. You must assess whether or not any advice is appropriate for your Personal Circumstances before making any investment decisions. You can either make this assessment yourself, or if you require a personal recommendation, you can seek the assistance of a financial advisor.

The Information is published by Point3 in good faith based on the facts known to it at the time of their preparation and does not purport to contain all relevant information with respect to the financial products to which it relates. Although the Information is based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, Point3 does not make any representation or warranty that they are accurate, complete or up to date and Point3 accepts no obligation to correct or update the Information. If you rely on the Information, you do so at your own risk. Any projections are estimates only and may not be realised in the future.

Except to the extent that liability under any law cannot be excluded, Point3 disclaims liability for all loss or damage arising as a result of any opinion, advice, recommendation, representation or information expressly or impliedly published by Point3 by way of provision of the Information, notwithstanding any error or omission including negligence.


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Brokerage costs have not been included in the calculation of performance. As financial products rise and fall in value, returns may be negative. Performance figures are not intended to be a forecast. Point3 does not guarantee the performance of or returns on any investment.


Employees and/or associates of Point3 may hold one or more of the stocks reviewed on this website or in any Newsletters. Staff holdings should not be seen as a recommendation with respect to any financial products.


Please contact us if you have any questions or do not understand something prior to subscribing to our newsletter at info@point3investments.com.au or on +61 02 9238 1577